Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wounded little warrior

We got a call on Tuesday from the daycare saying our daughter was complaining of a pain in her arm. We brought her home but other than avoiding that arm she was in good spirits so we took the next available doctor's appointment which was on Wednesday evening. Fortunately the clinic had a cancellation and bumped us up to Wednesday after lunch because it turns out our daughter had dislocated her elbow.

The doctor wasn't able to reduce it in his office since we'd waited so long and we ended up at the Childern's Hospital. And kudos to them because they were amazing. So now our daughter's running around, happy as a clam albeit with a cast on her arm for the next ten days!

Hopefully everything turns out okay when they take the cast off and there's nothing more to worry about.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blogspot vs Wordpress

So, will I really do it? Will I really give-up on my beloved Google and move some of my content over to! Of course I have to pay to get is free from Google but if the end result is more to my liking it might be worth it (and it's not really that much more than free).

Of course the ultimate solution is to roll my own using the hosting services of my registrar ( but I have an issue their with their e-mail management tools (it's pretty much just inboxes - no domain aliasing, no lists, etc. that I have using Google Apps for my Domain).

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Giant Ant on my iGoogle Theme!!!

I just noticed this, maybe it's the lack of sleep, maybe there's something to it, but it seems like there's a giant ant lurking in the back on my iGoogle Winter village Theme?!?!

Maybe this isn't new but now I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't something evil lurking within Google afterall!!!!